Have your hybrid work collaborations gotten stagnant? Comment if you’d like to discuss ways to re-energize them. In the meantime, download the @Microsoft Hybrid Teamwork Guide.
Have your hybrid work collaborations gotten stagnant? Comment if you’d like to discuss ways to re-energize them. In the meantime, download the @Microsoft Hybrid Teamwork Guide.
By 2024, more than 60% of organizations will deploy cloud ERP as an ecosystem of application and technology platforms from multiple vendors. By 2024, at least 50% of existing ERP megavendor customers will evaluate multiple vendors, rather than automatically adopt the latest version of their incumbent ERP suite. When evaluating systems for your company, be sure to look at @Microsoft Dynamics 365 365, ranked a Gartner Magic Quadrant leader.
If you’re still using @Microsoft ‘s on-premise MFA Server, it’s time to move up to Azure MFA with enhanced security and reduced TCO. The latest MFA migration utility makes it easier. Read about it here. 👉 Tell us if you’d like a demo.
Read how @Microsoft is reimaging #hybridwork collaborations in the metaverse future. Let us know your thoughts and get in touch to have a Microsoft Teams expert from Breis Tech show you how to take hybrid work productivity to new heights.
When moving to the cloud, how can Azure IaaS and the Azure portfolio of tools and services from @Microsoft make it easier? Share your wish list in the comments and watch this video to see how an Azure Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) solution helps speed things along.
When Golden State Foods (GSF) needed to modernize a 25-year-old legacy ERP system, it evaluated @Microsoft Dynamics 365 and 2 other systems. Guess which system won? Get the story to learn why.
Are you “metaverse-ready”? Let the experts at Breis Tech help your organization translate and enhance the flexibility of hybrid work into the metaverse. Set up a free consultation today.
What’s the next step for your hybrid cloud transformation? Need some expert advice to help you plan?
Breis Tech invites you to schedule a free hybrid cloud consultation with one of our cloud experts. 👉
How are retail banks rethinking customer experiences? Get this eBook for insight and to learn how to use data as a differentiator.
Ready to take your customer service to the next level? Let us introduce Aigo – the first and only chatbot with a brain. Crafted by top AI psychologists, Aigo delivers hyper-personalized conversations and understands context like no other. Find out how businesses are saving money, enhancing loyalty, and offering superior service while significantly reducing call center agents. Dive into this video to learn more.