What is the metaverse?

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One definition of the metaverse is that it’s a version of the internet we’re inside. Watch the video for additional insight and DM us to find out how a Mesh for @Microsoft Teams expert from Breis Tech can help you plan an effective metaverse strategy.


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The impact of the metaverse on the Supply Chain

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Expect the metaverse to be at the center of supply chain leadership decisions as it inspires new planning approaches, accelerates virtual experiments, and facilitates speed to market. Read on and DM us discuss how Breis Tech can help you incorporate @Microsoft metaverse technologies into your organization’s work environment.


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Forrester TEI of Dynamics 365 Remote Assist

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Mixed reality is central to manufacturers’ ability to adapt and succeed in the hybrid work era. What ROI can you expect? In this Microsoft-commissioned Total Economic Impact™ study, Forrester examines the potential ROI manufacturers can realize by deploying @Microsoft Dynamics 365 Remote Assist with HoloLens and mobile devices. Download the report for highlights of key findings and quantified benefits.


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What is Microsoft’s Metaverse?

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Check out the @Microsoft gateway to the metaverse, Mesh for #MicrosoftTeams, to make online meetings more personal, engaging and fun. Tell us if you’d like to talk with one of our Microsoft Teams experts on how Breis Tech can bring you the right technology for building a more productive hybrid work environment.

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How Mercedes-Benz Transforms Technician Support

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Mercedes-Benz relies on @Microsoft Dynamics 365 to drive ultimate customer experiences. What would the ultimate customer experience look like to your customers? Share your thoughts and watch this video for ideas on how you can use Dynamics 365 to advance your customer experience goals by increasing efficiency, speeding problem resolution and reducing costs.


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